Trudi's Hat Collection
Vintage Hat Shows

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Presentations and Displays

A presentation is where Trudi speaks to an audience.
Trudi will be available for questions and comments after the show.

A walk-up display is where Trudi sets up her hats for you to view.
Trudi is available for questions and comments during the display.

Trudi's Hat Box

Trudi selects hats and bonnets from 1780 to present day.  This show is for any age or group type.  This show can be adjusted to the group's needs.

The Millinery Heyday

This show is all about the rise, fall and popularity of hats.

Period History (Customer Designed)

Designed for your group's interest or custom tailored for your function.  As an example, Art Deco can be the theme of the hat show, and also of the group's requested attire.
Hats and Their Meanings

Religion, work and social meanings.  Why are hats worn?  What is their purpose?  We will look into this fascinating aspect of hats.

Women's Hats

A fun and fanciful look at women's hats through the centuries.

Men's Hats

A masculine jaunt through the style, design function and fun facts about men's hats and caps.

Those Fabulous Milliners and Trend Setters

This presentation is about those creative designers who made it happen, plus the celebrities who made the designers famous.
As there are many styles of hats, there are many selections of presentations to inform and please any group.  Hat shows can be a central part of parties, fund raisers, afternoon teas and other social events.

Please feel free to contact Trudi at (408) 661-7239 or at for more information about her collection and presentations
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